The most dangerous man in Scotland

mundell-bulldogIs David Mundell the most dangerous man in Scotland? You may be accustomed to thinking of him as the comically disgusting character, Baron Snackbeard, absently nibbling chunks picked out of his whiskers as he lounges on the lush green leather benches of his Westminster club. Or perhaps you’re more inclined to see him simply as Theresa May’s yapping wee lapdog. Or maybe as Ruth Davidson’s sidekick – the bumbling Laurel to her bumptious Hardy. But it might be wiser to regard Mundell as the British establishment’s obedient bulldog set on Scotland to seize it and hold it and shake it into submission.

I have written previously about how we should attend well to the words spoken by politicians. How we should be wary of too readily accepting their utterances at face value. How we must “be mindful of the wider political context as well as being attentive to the precise form of words used”. What, then, should we make of the following comment from David Mundell.

So I want to use this opportunity to say to Sturgeon, it is time to end the constitutional uncertainty that we have lived with for the past four years.

It is time for Scotland’s two governments to work together in the best interests of the Scottish people. It is time to move on.

Let’s gloss over the discourteous manner in which Mundell refers to Scotland’s First Minister. Although we should recognise, in passing, that this disrespect is purposeful and part of the ongoing effort to diminish and delegitimise Scotland’s democratic institutions, we can hardly dwell on every such instance. The next phrase, however, warrants closer attention. It is an illustrative example of a remark which may seem totally innocuous or even quite sensible, but which may take on a darker meaning when viewed in the light of current political reality. Surely ‘uncertainty’ is a ‘bad thing’. Surely ending uncertainty is a ‘good thing’. Surely it is perfectly reasonable to state that “it is time to end the constitutional uncertainty that we have lived with for the past four years”. But, as always, the key to rewarding analysis is to ask the right questions.

Is constitutional uncertainty necessarily a bad thing? Given that it is fundamental to our democracy, shouldn’t the constitutional settlement always be subject to scrutiny? Given that the constitution is about political power and where it lies, shouldn’t we heed Tony Benn’s urging and constantly interrogate the powerful demanding to know what power they have; how they obtained that power; in whose interests they use that power; to whom are they accountable for the the exercise of that power; and how they can be deprived of that power?

What constitutional uncertainty is Mundell referring to? Whose uncertainty is he talking about? Is he referring to the precariousness of the British state? Is he talking about the unease felt by by those whose purpose is to lock Scotland into a ‘One Nation’ British state? Does his remark reflect only the fears of a British Nationalist ideologue?

We can, I think, safely assume that Mundell is not referring to the constitutional uncertainty occasioned by Scotland being dragged out of the EU against the democratically expressed wishes of the people. He’s not talking about the distress caused to EU nationals living in Scotland. He’s not talking about the concerns of those who are being forcibly stripped of their EU citizenship with no satisfactory explanation as to what status is to be imposed in its stead.

It is not Mundell’s intention to draw attention to the uncertainty caused by Brexit. When he refers to constitutional uncertainty he is talking only about the fact that, while the 2014 independence referendum provided an indisputable result, it did not produce a decision. It did not resolve the constitutional issue. And the blame for that rests, once again, with the British political elite.

While it was perfectly clear that a Yes vote meant independence by way of a reasonably well described process, there was no indication whatever of what a No vote meant. Initially, it was said to be a vote for the status quo. As the referendum campaign progressed, however, all manner of stuff was hooked onto the No vote – up to and including ‘The Vow’.

In practice, a No vote meant whatever the British establishment wanted it to mean. This turned out to be pretty much the opposite of everything that had been promised. And something very, very far from the status quo that was originally offered. Thus, the referendum produced an indisputable result, but no decision. Because the No option was effectively undefined, a No vote in the referendum could not settle the issue. There was nothing to settle on.

How does Mundell propose to end the constitutional uncertainty which does trouble him? How does he intend to prevent us asking those five questions? How does he plan on fixing Scotland’s constitutional settlement so that he and his fellow British Nationalists can feel secure in their status and power?

We know the answer to this. We know, because the likes of Mundell and Davidson have been unabashedly explicit about their anti-democratic intentions. We know that their malign ambition is to deny Scotland’s right of self-determination. We know, because they’ve come right out and told us, that they mean to deprive the people of Scotland of the right to choose the form of government best suits our needs.

When David Mundell speaks of ending constitutional uncertainty he is talking about nothing less than stilling the beating heart of Scotland’s democracy.

Mundell also says he wants “Scotland’s two governments to work together”. Fine words! Until we juxtapose the expressed sentiment with the actual behaviour of the British state towards the Scottish Government and the Scottish Parliament. But first let’s ask some more questions.

Does Scotland actually have two governments? That rather depends on how one defines the term ‘government’. If democratic legitimacy is a criterion, then we have only one government. The term ‘government’ is generally understood to mean the group of people with the authority to govern a country. But if we stipulate rightful authority, then that must rule out people who obtained power against the wishes of Scotland’s voters;  who use that power against the interests of Scotland’s people; who are not answerable to Scotland’s electorate; and who cannot be removed from power by Scotland’s democratic processes.

Democratic legitimacy derives solely and exclusively from the consent of the people. Only the Scottish Government enjoys the consent of Scotland’s people. That consent has been consistently and decisively denied to the people David Mundell represents. Those people cannot claim rightful authority. In terms of our definition, therefore, they cannot be regarded as a government. For want of a better term, we might justifiably call them a ‘regime’.

What does Mundell mean when he says “work together”? What does recent history tell us of cooperation between the Scottish Government and the British regime? Is such cooperation likely, or even possible?

When answering these questions people will probably tend to reflect on the way in which the Scottish Government has been excluded from the Brexit negotiations. But we see the British regime’s contempt for Scotland’s elected representatives very plainly in EVEL. And in their insistence that there is ‘no demand’ for a new independence referendum despite electoral and parliamentary mandates. And in the Brexit power-grab. And in the UK Supreme Court action against the Continuity Bill. And in David Mundell referring to our First Minister as ‘Sturgeon’.

In fact, we see in pretty much every aspect of the Scottish Government’s dealings with the British regime a lack of respect which ranges from the thoughtlessly casual to the mindlessly hateful. There is no basis on which to “work together”. The British regime will not allow it.

Mundell isn’t asking for cooperation, he’s demanding compliance. As a British Nationalist, he is absolutely committed to concept of parliamentary sovereignty. He is intellectually incapable of doubting the supremacy of Westminster. He cannot question the British ‘right to rule’. He is the loyal servant of established power.

When Mundell talks of “the best interests of the Scottish people” we have to ask what definition of those interests he has in mind. Who decides what Scotland’s best interests are? Who is entitled to decide? Who speaks for Scotland? Is it the Scottish Parliament, with its democratic legitimacy? Is it the Scottish Government, with its rightful authority? Is it the First Minister, with her mandate to speak and act for the people of Scotland?

Or is it the corrupt and incompetent British political elite at Westminster? Is it the chaotic cliques and fractious factions and puffed-up personalities of the British regime? Is it the likes of David Mundell, who presumes to govern without consent?

Mundell has no doubt. He is unshakably persuaded of the righteousness of his ‘mission’. He is implacably opposed to anything which threatens the established order. And that is what makes him so dangerous. Mundell represents authority without consent. He represents power without accountability. He represents a British regime which is resolutely determined to destroy Scotland’s democracy and install a shadow administration that is neither elected by nor answerable to Scotland’s people.

Davidson is a distraction. She is the British media’s poodle. Mundell is the one to watch. He is the British state’s bulldog.

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12 thoughts on “The most dangerous man in Scotland

  1. You are right. They have plans in place to run Scotland from the civil service employees bussed up from London. Once the continuity bill comes to pass, they will step in to try and run Scotland as of olden days. The SNP must act before it happens. We must get out before Brexit takes place. We have 5 months that’s all.

    I dearly hope the delayers don’t win the day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. They are in the process of dismantling, merging and disenfranchising Scotland as we speak.

    I expect not to hear anything from the SNP until November now. I will be delighted if I am wrong, but the conference will be another take stock exercise.

    Then it’s November, December….nothing will happen until March in the spring. As you say maybe too late!

    We are playing into their endgame , some just can’t see it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Totally agree. I remember a few years ago i commented on a Guardian thread that it really annoyed me that posters referred to Mundell as ‘Fluffy’.in a sort of humorous way There is nothing fluffy or humorous about this man. He is a shark circling Scotland’s very existence and prepared to lay the flesh into the lap of his Tory paymasters .

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The sycophant only gets notice by going beyond what the bully would even do. Their need for acceptance (that will never come) justifies any actions.

    The extent of danger from a sycophant is only limited by the darkness of their imagination….where as the bully weighs the limits of their actions against danger to themselves and their goals.

    It is up to others to interpret how Westminster sees Mundell and if they think Westminster actually accepts Mundell into the inner circle.


  5. Time is fast running out . He looks weak and contemptible but Mundell is on a mission to strangle our democracy.
    Thanks for a superb article Peter. It would be great to see this in the National .

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Wonderful piece, Peter.
    Whether we like it or not, March 2019 will come upon us, and we shall be dragged out of the EU in a fervour of Daily Mail jingoism and We Scots, and the Irish, will be brushed aside, as Little England boos Johnny Foreigner, and The Brit Nat Red Blue and Yellow Tories batten down the hatches and exhorts ‘the nation’, that would be England, to Dig for Victory.
    Mundell is a dangerous fool, in the sense that he ‘acts daft to get a free hurl’, as the old Glasgow saying goes.
    Scotland the nation no longer exists in the eyes of many Brit Nats; indeed Mundell himself asserted that we ceased to exist in 1707.
    He really believes that.
    The Blue Tories, and indeed Willie Rennie’s Gladstone Yellow Tories, would destroy Scotland’s civic society.
    At the moment ‘Sturgeon’ and our Government, the only Scottish Government I recognise now, acts as a buffer zone against the destruction of our society, a valiant and determined effort to stop the Alt Right (and all 3 UK parties signed up to slash and burn ‘austerity’) from imposing on Scotland the excesses of Market Forces we witness in England and Wales today.
    Their NHS, Education, Universities, Police, Local Governments are in free fall decline, because of the Cuts.
    The Great English Sell Off continues unabated.
    ‘Taking back control’ will be England’s car boot sale. Health, education, even Law and order will be up for sale in No Deal Brexit Britain/England.

    Davidson and Mundell, and Thomson, and Tomkins, and Leonard, and Tavish Scott, would dance ajig of triumphal celebration if the WMG closed Holyrood.
    Of that I have no doubt.

    Events have overtaken us.

    Brexit will be the only game in town for the next six months.
    It may be argued that No Deal is now inevitable, and the Giant Car Manufactures will lead the Exodus of manufactures out of England and relocate in Europe.

    We Scots will be held under House Arrest by Mundell and his UK Government in Scotland, and all that entails.

    I anticipate London to riot first, and the Outrage to spread like wildfire throughout England’s major cities.
    The English Iron Heel Oligarchy and its Edinburgh Anglo Scot Outpost are prepared for this.
    After all it will mainly be the Great Unwashed burning down a few church halls.

    Northern Ireland will see Saracens and heavily armoured Police Land Rovers protecting UK Customs Officials at Newry, and (London)Derry once again, the GFA lying in tatters at the DUP ecstatic feet..

    The Four Horsemen are about to ride through these isles.

    You are spot on, Peter. David Mundell is a dangerous little man.

    But events will overtake him during the Tartan Spring of 2019.

    The Urgent Demand for Indyref 2 will increase as the UK unravels in the first half of ’19.

    The Grand Panjandrum’s reported 3000 insurgent civil servants may be employed filling sacks with sand as civil unrest threatens the Mighty Holy London Empire.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. HI there.
    Excellent article
    I have been of the same opinion about Mundell for a while.
    He keeps a low media profile, but unlike Ruth Davidson, he is the guy with the real power, as he is London’s man in Scotland.
    He will have more sway over the MPs than R/ Davidson, as has been clearly shown in the past, as well as in recent days.
    However, it must also be always pointed out, that regardless, of all that, it is still up to Scotland to make the main decisions.
    The crunch will come, when Scotland decides to go for Independence again, and Westminster tries to stop it, as they will.
    The questions still must be pout to Mundell, and the tories all the same.
    They can’t demand silence from Scotland, when promises made to Scotland have been either been gone back on, or simply not kept. The Eu one being a major such promise.
    Mundell constantly gets a away with it, as the focus is always on Davidson, and he tends to get ignores, but as pointed out, he is the guy with more actual power than Davidson.
    He should be treated with far more caution than his hapless tea maker image he has.


  8. Great and insightful article Peter , Jack I always enjoy your no frills honest interpretations and your ability to FORCE the reader to interpret the more than possible outcomes of the tories grand clusterf**k plans . See you ALL at AOUB Edinburgh. #dissolve the rancidunion#

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Mundell is the Evil Factor of Westminster’s estate called Scotland. And if he could he would enable “Clearance” orders on all Yes voters. Canada or Australia? Take your pick.


  10. British Bulldog living in Scotland but tethered on a lead to Westminster. Barks loudly and is genetally ignored as a nuisance by the majority of intelligent Scots who think he lives in a kennel in the wrong country. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


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