Being less

It was always to be expected that the UK Supreme Court would issue a finding on the UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Legal Continuity) (Scotland) Bill which maintained the court’s cherished appearance of political neutrality by allowing both sides to claim at least partial victory. More ‘fudgement’ than a judgement.

The outcome merely underlines something else that has always been clear to those who appreciate the true nature of the British state. Namely, that Scotland’s democratic institutions, its political culture, its economic prosperity and the needs, priorities and aspirations of its people will always be subsidiarity to even the most trivial of the British state’s interests.

Scotland within the UK may have a Parliament and a Government only so long as these remain subject to the whims of Westminster.

Scotland within the UK may choose its own path only on condition that this path does not diverge meaningfully from that chosen for us by the British ruling elites.

Scotland within the UK may prosper only so long as it is understood that the British state retains an unchallengeable claim on all of Scotland’s resources and all of Scotland’s wealth.

Scotland’s people may be allowed to suppose that their needs are being addressed, their priorities served and their aspirations respected only insofar as this serves to prevent us realising that, within the UK, we will never be permitted the full and effective exercise of our sovereignty.

Within the UK, Scotland must always be less. Less democratic. Less distinctive. Less prosperous. Less than a nation.

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3 thoughts on “Being less

    1. Today, I weep for Scotland. As I fear this signals the beginning of the end.

      Which end do you choose…or will Scotland just accept the end served up by Westminster?


      1. It’s certainly the end for the Scottish Parliament as it is currently established.

        I think that the Scottish Government/SNP have to stand up and say that this is what the SC ruling means so we shouldn’t delude the Scottish public – perhaps this will help focus minds?

        We have the ludicrous situation where the ScotGov is acting as the janitor cleaning up after the mess made by the kids who have abandoned the school for the day.

        The only democratic route is to use the next UK GE to stand on an ‘Independence or Not?’ platform. Make it clear that is what a vote for the SNP represents and campaign very loud and proud for it.

        If that fails then repeat at every UK GE until it doesn’t. I don’t think there is any other choice – at the very least it would get rid of the British party politicians posing as ‘Scottish’ delegates at Holyrood. That would be their ‘Union dividend’.


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